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Stay home... and plant a garden. 自宅待機でガーデニング

執筆者の写真: エイブエイブ

ground floor - マンションの1階

advantages and disadvantages - 有利と不利なこと

on all sides - 上下左右

backyard - 専用庭

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We live on the ground floor of an apartment building. We’ve been living here for just over two years. We have realized that there are both advantages and disadvantages to living on the ground floor.

One of the disadvantages is that our apartment doesn’t get a lot of natural light. It gets very cold in the winter. We used to live in an apartment on the third floor. It got more natural light, and was much warmer. Maybe that’s because there are neighbors heating up the rooms on all sides.

On the other hand, that is an advantage to living on the ground floor - we have fewer neighbors! We don’t have to worry about being noisy. But the best thing about living on the ground floor is that we have a backyard!

Now that the spring has arrived and the weather is warming up, it’s the perfect time to plant a garden. Last year I grew tomatoes, rosemary, basil, and cilantro.

Rosemary is a strong plant that can stay alive all year. This is the rosemary that I planted last year. It survived the winter, and has gotten bigger and stronger.

My favorite recipe using rosemary is very simple. You just chop it up, and sprinkle it on potatoes before you roast them in the oven.

That’s it! It gives the potatoes a nice aroma and adds to their natural flavor.

Anyway, I think I’m going to plant the same things as last year, and also add a few new things. Today I’m starting with basil, cherry tomatoes, okra, and cilantro.

I’m still a beginner level gardener, so if you have any tips or suggestions, please leave a comment or contact me on Twitter to let me know!



Summer 2020

Summer 2020

Yodo, Hatsu, and Go

Yodo, Hatsu, and Go


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