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2. A Scorpion is Born   

(Transcript by Alissa)

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2. A Scorpion is Born



-It’s probably our national sport. 

-Let me guess.

-Try and guess

-Koala throwing


-Crickey he threw him 3 meters! 

-Not bad for a Canadian




-Here we are.

-We are back Twinkle star AKA Abe

-and the raw deal…  Actually can I change my name?

-Yeah like I told you at the end of the last episode

a raw deal means a bad deal

-Yeah you know I went and I looked it up, I googled it, and you were right.

-You didn’t trust me?

-No I knew it  …I already knew it.  So I want a new name

-Alright. How about DJ Ben Key?

-No, well, that’s not a bad name

-It’s not a new nickname either

-It’s not a new nickname

-Okay you want a new nickname

-Something cool like Viper or Space dragon

-How about scorpion?

-Yes scorpion! Because I’ll sting you

-I feel like it’s not fair


-Because my nickname is twinkle star

-Yeah because you shine your little light

-It sounds kind of feminine, kind of girly…

-Right it’s perfect for you!  And I’m scorpion..

-It’s not fair

-that it attacks!

-It’s not fair if your nickname is scorpion, and my nickname is twinkle star 

-But imagine if we had to fight an enemy, and together we work as a team.  So you shine your twinkle little twinkling light, so I can see and then I use my scorpion and attack power!  Tail whip!

-I feel like I’m getting a raw deal

-Okay maybe you can be raw deal

-That’s a raw deal

-That is the definition of a raw deal

-There you go

-There you go I got it!

-You got it!

-You understand


-Yeah.  There’s a good deal, that’s you, nickname “scorpion”


-very cool

-nice I like it

-You’re the one who gets to attack


-And there is a raw deal... Me, nickname “twinkle star”

-Raw deal AKA twinkle star

-And in your plan I just shine the light for you to attack

-Yeah, a happy little twinkling light… and I take care of the enemies with my whipping tail

-Okay, Anyway, We’re going to...

-I’m scorpion

-We’re going to make new nicknames



-We’re just thinking of ideas, we’re throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks


-Brain storming

-I’ve talked about that expression before.  Throwing spaghetti at the wall

-Oh spaghetti you say…

-Well that’s where the expression comes from.  When you cook spaghetti, one way to see if it’s done cooking like if it’s cooked enough is to take out one noodle


-and throw against the wall and if it sticks


-the spaghetti is ready

-Mamma Mia! That’s a perfect spaghetti

-Mamma Mia!

-Oh I’ve done it again!

-That’s a nice spaghetti

-Baby come here look at it sticking on the wall…  Any Italian listeners we apologize

-No we don’t

-No… Scorpion never apologizes!

-Yes I’ve heard that myth, I’ve never seen anybody do it.  What I do is I take one noodle out…

-And you eat it

-and I put it in my mouth


-If it’s perfect texture and firmness and the perfect little noodle

then I say Manma Mia! She’s ready!

-So you don’t throw it against the wall you throw into your mouth 

-No then I have to clean the wall


-I hate cleaning walls


-Scorpion never cleans walls!

-Anyway we’re trying many new nicknames


-It’s like throwing spaghetti against the wall

-Yeah that...Exactly

-and if it sticks it’s a good idea

-and if it slides down wall and falls to the floor… Bad idea

-So this English expression can be confusing, “throwing things against the wall”


-This is where it comes from


-Cooking spaghetti

Last time you taught me about new expressions, so I don’t challenge you anymore

-Scorpion never challenges twinkle star!


-Your name your nickname can be sticky spaghetti


-or spaghetti noodle



-coz it’s a good idea…

-Okay.  Enough about nicknames.  Now Ben in the last episode

We mentioned that you have lived in my country, Canada,

and I have lived in your country, Australia

-Correct or “Oui” as Canadians say, French Canadians, Oui oui

-Oui means YES in French

-Right yeah, Right okay I’m not a French Canadian

-No you’re from the west coast

-That’s right I’m from Vancouver

-Right so you speak only English


-But in school, did you learn some French?

-I did yeah.  In school we have to study French starting at a very young age 

-Okay, So you can communicate with the east coast people.  You can trade with them

-I guess

-I think it’s just because that’s the rule

-I guess Canada has two official languages

-Yeah it’s…

-Would that be fair to say?

-It’s just a part of being Canadian is you have to study French 

-It’s just a part of your life

-This is how we do in Canada

-It’s what we do

-You have to study French hawawa...


-Any French listeners... I’m sorry…  No! Take that back!  Scorpion never apologizes!

-Okay so another thing about French in Canada is all products

everything you buy has both English and French written on the package

-How annoying.  A lot of ink must get used in Canada

-You use twice the amount of ink

-You mean because the printing has to be done two times?

-Yeah everything has to be printed twice.  in English and French.

For example if you buy milk it says Milk and then in French it says Miilllllk.  Le Milk!

-See that’s the thing

-Because I grew up in Canada, I know a lot of words


-For example Milk

-How do you say Milk?

-“Lait” I think.  But I know the spelling is L-A-I-T

-Oh Lait like Cafe au Lait.  Coffee and Milk

-Yeah there you go

-there we go.  I’m getting it!

-But I’m not sure about the pronunciation.  When you’re a kid and every morning you look at the Milk

and it also says L-A-I-T Lait


-you can kind of recognize many French words

-Yeah just from exposure if you see something everyday again and again… It goes into your memory into your brain

-Yeah yeah and actually this is a way that many people study English

-Right it’s a good technique if you are surrounded with English words

in your everyday life


-That’s a great way to learn a language

-So a lot of people like to write little post-it notes and stick them on everything around your house

-Right I remember doing that with Japanese words

-Oh did you?


-Maybe in my first 6 months in Japan, when I was a sharing a house with other people who couldn’t speak any Japanese

-Did you find that it was effective?

-A little yeah it helped

-It helped you increase your vocabulary?

-Yeah just seeing the word everyday, I naturally remembered it after time

-Right.  You see the toilet and you go oh “Benki”


-Like me!

-Just like me!

-Hey it’s Ben!

-Toilet, you and me, we’re not so different

-Like cousins

-Except I shit in you, and you don’t shit in me


-Apart from that…

-It’s one big difference

-pretty similar

-You shit in a toilet


-I was gonna say before we started talking about French


-maybe we’re quite familiar with each other’s country

-A little yeah

-So can you tell me what is the number 1 sport in Canada?

-Let me think

-Canada is really cold


-It has a lot of snow and ice

-That’s right

-What animal can run through the snow and stand on the ice without falling down…? 

-Gosh probably a lot of animals

-Right but It makes the sound like this “HRRRRGGGHHH”

-Is that a moose?

-Yes moose riding

-Is that your guess that our number 1 sport is moose riding?

-Yes…  Ice Hockey. I knew that

-There you go

-Ice Hockey

-and I didn’t know anything about Ice Hockey before I arrived in Canada

-But once you got there everyone was like Fuck yeah! ICE HOCKEY!!!! Let’s GOOOO

-“Hey scorpion! Have you ever played Ice Hockey??” 

-Canadians are crazy about Ice Hockey

-Right yes and I quickly joined a local team

-No you didn’t

-I did! I was invited to join a local team… 

-Did you really?

-Who were playing on a lake, a frozen lake and I played one game

-They played outside on a frozen lake in the winter time? 

-They did.  on lake Louise itself.  There was a small a rink I guess you call it

-That’s how I started playing

-A natural rink, And I was targeted by the locals

-They hit you

-They hit me very hard, and old scorpion went down

-See the big problem…  

You can’t skate can you?

-That’s the thing.  I’m pretty good at sports generally

I’m okay I can catch a ball I can run, but ice skating? Yeah…

I didn’t have the same history as Canadian people who learn ice skating from a very young age

-Yeah it takes many years to become a good enough skater to play ice hockey

-Right I’m like in those romantic movies where a couple goes ice skating, and they fall down and laugh…  It doesn’t work with ice hockey


-No one is laughing

-With Ice Hockey you have to be able to skate without even thinking about skating 

-yeah it’s like running playing football

-Because you’re thinking about playing the game not about skating

-Right it should come naturally,


-forwards backwards

-How many times did you try playing?

-Once. I got really hurt seriously


-Yeah they bumped me into the side off the rink

-They fucked you

-They fucked me up

-and I went to this side of the lake where the ice was kind of thinner and mushy

-a kind of snow bank

-yeah a kinda snow bank

-and I went…  I got really wet.  My pants got wet and it was extremely cold.  so I quickly went back to the safety of my room

-You said ok guys I’m finished I’m going home

-I said Thanks guys that was great.  Catch you next week! …and I never went back

-I’m happy to hear you tried my country’s favorite sport


-As you know I’ve tried your country’s second favorite sport 

-Kangaroo riding?  Tally Ho- boing


-Well the number 1 popular sport in Australia is Rugby right? 

-Probably the number of people who love Rugby is maybe the highest Although there is one sport that is played across Australia

Every city every state you can find this sport played by many people and it’s not Rugby...  It’s probably a national sport if there is one

-Let me guess

-Try and guess

-Koala throwing


-Crickey he threw him 3 meters

-Not bad for a Canadian

-I don’t know if you are joking or being serious

-No i’m serious

-Is it cricket?

-Yes.  Cricket

-Cricket is universally loved across Australia

-Rugby is played in most states but in Melbourne where I come from, in Victoria the state of which Melbourne is the capital

-Victoria state Melbourne city

-That’s right

-We have a different sporting religion

-Cricket is famous all around the country


-Probably because it’s not a contact sport, so you don’t have to be big and physical and you’re not gonna get hurt playing Cricket

-You can get badly hurt playing Cricket

-Oh really?

-Oh yes the ball is very hard and very fast

-You’re not trying to hurt each other


-Whereas in Rugby

-You’re right It’s not a contact sport


-It’s true

-Okay and then probably the most popular sport is Rugby

-Yeah in Queenland Brisbane and New South Wales Sydney

-Yes so in other states but in your state

-in my state Victoria, there is only one!

-There is one special sport and that is the sport that I started playing with you a few years ago 

-That’s right


-That is…

-Australian Rules Football AFL

-AKA Aussie football

-Australian Football League.  I guess that’s the AFL


-We call it Aussie rules

-Crazy Aussies

-So yeah it’s an interesting hybrid mix between rugby and soccer and Gaelic football which is a Irish sport

-It’s just a really crazy fucked up game

-It’s rough

-First of all the field isn’t square or rectangular


-It’s a big egg shape

-Yes It’s an oval shape

-and how many people are playing on the field at the same time?


-Plus umpires


-18 per team it’s a big field

-36 people

-That’s a lot

-at the same time

-Yeah even you can’t remember all the people’s names on your own team, Hey you!  I’ve never seen you before

-Hey tall guy

-Playing your game

-What did you think? What was your experience of your first game or training session of Aussie Rules Football?

-It was fun but

-I remember you did well

-I did okay maybe

-It was fun but as you know within about a month


-I broke three bones in my hands

-Yeah that’s part of the training.  See when we break bones they become stronger

-No they don’t


-I don’t know I don’t think my bones became stronger.  They were broken I had to get surgery

-Ah yes... weaker I meant

-Yeah I broke two bones at the same time

-Right not drinking enough Lait

-In both hands


-One bone in my left one in my right

-It’s a heavy ball it’s kicked very high in the air

-and the ball comes down with a lot of power

-and you need to catch the ball perfectly

-or you can break your fingers

-Yeah see nobody warned me about that

-It’s just physics

-Heavy things come down Abe catchy catchy

-For people who have never seen and Australian Football, it looks a lot like a Rugby ball

-It does. it’s very similar

-But you kick it like 50m Boom like really high and really far

and you have to jump and catch it


-and this thing is like heavy and it’s not like an American Football

where the ball is traveling in a spiral

-That’s right

-Like American football when you throw it, it travels in this very neat way.  It spins and it comes very straight at you.  

-It’s pretty predictable flight movement

-The aussie football is spinning all crazy

-Yeah it’s tumbling

-Yeah it’s’s very hard to judge exactly how to catch it

-Let it come to you! Just let it break you.  Break me ball

-Yes so that is one dangerous part, and it’s very difficult to do, catch a ball moving like that.  plus when there are big men pushing you and saying horrible things to you It’s even more difficult

-Hey mate

-You can’t catch that

-I’m gonna get you

-I broke a few fingers in your mother last night…  so watch out, but you just ignore that same as Ice Hockey.  I’m trying to skate and get the pack

-Hey scorpion

-and big men trying to push me down into the water

-Yeah okay but you only tried it once


-I played Australian Football like a hundred times


-Until my fingers broke

-Okay you win

-I think I lose

-Yes you lose twinkle star

-But like we say in English if you fall off the horse you get back on

or don’t ride horses anymore like I did with Ice Hockey

-I don’t think don’t ride horses anymore is an English expression

-I don’t ride horses anymore

-It might be a song but...


-I’m not riding you today

-I did get back on a horse

-You did

-as we call it, get back on a horse you know, you fall off you get back on.  

-Try again try again

-I broke one bone in my thumb.  I waited a few weeks for to heal

and then I got back on a horse… and then I broke two more bones in both my hands… and that’s when I decided “fuck this horse!”  I’m never getting back on this horse again


-and that’s the end of you Horse

-But I have to say I’m a little bit happy to hear that when you went to Canada you tried Ice Hockey 

-Yeah I like to try everything.  I’m more of a snowboarding guy

that was my favorite sport in Canada

-That’s why you went to Canada

-That’s why I went, because we don’t have beautiful mountains and

high quality snow like you guys enjoy

-Beautiful mountains and high quality snow… Yeah Canada has both

-Oh yeah

-But it’s so god damn cold

-Yes it’s cold cold cold

-It is

-Yes a new level of cold that I’d never experienced

-People said get your gloves on put your jackets on, it’s cold

and I said Maaahhh “jackets”!  and then quickly ran back inside and put two jackets and three gloves.  I was always cold I could never get warm during the winter


-My hands were always cold


-My face my lips


-My tongue froze to my teeth

-No it didn’t

-My eyes sealed

-Okay now you’re exaggerating

-All my hair fell out


-My penis died that day

-Penis died...  Okay Scorpion…

-No but it was bad


-Scorpion’s penis can never die

-Okay well

-It’s interesting to hear about each others experience with an international sport Yeah

-Yeah neat

-Say hello send us a message come to

-You know it

-Use the toiawase, the contact form to say hello


-Drop a message tell us what you think

-yeah and leave a review on apple podcasts

-5 twinkly little stars


-No scorpion’s stings

-No scorpion’s stings

-5 stars for scorpion and spaghetti fingers…  your nickname

-I prefer twinkle star rather than spaghetti sticky spaghetti or 

-Sticky spaghetti fingers Man

-Anything to do with spaghetti

-I prefer twinkle star

-Okay no pasta nicknames

-Still not fair

-Let’s see every episode we tried to get closer to the real nickname I’m still getting a raw deal

-Every human being

-You are getting a great deal I’m getting a raw deal

-A raw deal

-with this nickname thing

-Yeah you’re getting a bad deal

-Okay see you next time

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