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Episode 300 in Okinawa! Thank you for the support m(_ _)m. 4. The Party


ESL Level: Basic

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We had an episode 300 party and did a live recording on Saturday March 7th at a small bar in Naha. On the way there, we suddenly noticed that our picture was up on a huge video billboard! We posed and played around with it for a few minutes.

A few people had to cancel because of the Corona virus outbreak, but luckily most people were still able to come! Smith and Tanaka also came to the party. Smith was the DJ!

we drank and laughed a lot at the party one of our listeners (Lio) did a really funny performance that was like a fake wedding ceremony for Yoshi and I. Also Smith, Tanaka, Yoshi and I were given special banana underwear as a present. We made a ”banana boys“ song and dance. It was really funny.

Banana boys! Banana boys! Banana boys!♫

After the party we went to a bar on Kokusaidori. We drank more and played a game called “shuffleboard”. I thought this game was for old people, but it was actually really fun!

We had such a great time. Thank you so much to everyone for your support!! 英会話 リスニング / シャドーイング ベーシック レベル





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