Zoom Podtrack P8! ...Awesome!
Long time no blog! Since I started doing two podcasts and YouTube, I have taken a long break from my blog... And actually this is not a...
Zoom Podtrack P8! ...Awesome!
Summer 2020
Yodo, Hatsu, and Go
Historical Characters - "Ichi"
Individual Humanity (個人の人間性)
Growing up in Vancouver
"Young Tiger" 友人のタイガ Part 3
The first time in ages...
“Young Tiger” 友人のタイガ Part 2
"Young Tiger" 友人のタイガ
Spring Cleaning
Stay home... and plant a garden. 自宅待機でガーデニング
Going Fishing! お釣りへ!
F.B.B. Ep4 発音し難い日本人の名前 と 海外のBBQのやり方
マジで Best Day of my Life!
F.B.B. Ep3 「発音などが気になりパニックる」- Building Confidence.
F.B.B. Ep2 カバーアート・日本とカナダ、それぞれの良い点
F.B.B. Ep.1 ヨシとの出会い・運がいいと感じた時