Summer 2020
ブログの音声を聴くには「Listen in browser」をクリックして下さい。 Wow! Time flies! I can't believe it is already September. Aaaahhhhh the summer is almost...
Summer 2020
Historical Characters - "Ichi"
Individual Humanity (個人の人間性)
The first time in ages...
Jamie, my older brother.
Tyler, my younger brother.
Have you ever been to Hawaii?
Episode 300 in Okinawa! Thank you for the support m(_ _)m 5. Heading home.
Episode 300 in Okinawa! Thank you for the support m(_ _)m. 4. The Party
Episode 300 in Okinawa! Thank you for the support. m(_ _)m 3. The Ocean
Episode 300 in Okinawa! Thank you for the support m(_ _)m 2. Goya
Episode 300 in Okinawa! Thank you for your support m(_ _)m 1. The “Air B&B”