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Summer 2020

執筆者の写真: エイブエイブ


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Wow! Time flies! I can't believe it is already September. Aaaahhhhh the summer is almost overrrrr!!!!

Summer is my favorite season, so I always feel a little bit sad after August. In Canada, the school year ends in June and there is a two month holiday from school in July and August. Then the new school year begins in September. Maybe that is why summer feels so special for Canadians.

This was my first summer as a “free bird”, so I thought that I would be able to BBQ and do a lot of fun summer stuff any time I wanted… Buuuut to be honest, I was really busy! Now I feel a different kind of pressure to work. It’s a good feeling, though. Annnyyyyway I was still able to do some fun stuff! The FBE Workshops in Osaka and Tokyo were a success, and I got to meet many interesting and awesome people!

Also, I made time to have a few small BBQs, and we went river tubing three times! Hopefully I’ll be able to go at least one more time. The weather has to be over 25C and sunny to enjoy tubing, because you will definitely get wet!

Unfortunately my iPhone took a river bath last time, so I lost a lot of great pictures from the Tokyo workshop. Luckily MinMinさん took some pictures and sent them to me. HOT SUMMER NIGHTS IN TOKYO BABY!!!

Last week I felt like maybe I was forgetting something… Then suddenly I realized! “Oh my god~ August is almost over and we didn’t eat Morioka Reimen yet!!!” You can’t have a summer without reimen!!! Are you crazy!!??!?? So we quickly went to our favorite yakiniku shop and ate yakiniku and reimen.

Some people complain that reimen noodles are too rubbery… Those people are stupid idiots! Don’t listen to them!! Haha, just kidding, the noodles are definitely a little bit rubbery, so I guess it depends on your preference. I love it! If you haven’t tried Morioka Reimen, hurry up! The summer is almost over! It’s the #1 summer food in the whole world! (In my opinion)



Yodo, Hatsu, and Go

Yodo, Hatsu, and Go


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